Urdu Translation

Trusted company for Urdu Translation
If you have a document in Urdu and you want to translate it to English or a document in English and you want to submit it to Urdu-speaking authorities, then you need not look any further. Language Oasis is just the right place for you, as we will provide you with a trusted quality translation at an affordable cost. Since we only hire professional Urdu translators, your documents will be handled proficiently and delivered to you in no time.
Professional Urdu Translators
We only recruit professional Urdu translators who enjoy 5 years of experience minimum in the market. They are carefully handpicked after a thorough screening process to test their skills. Our skilled translators are the most trusted in the market, as they enjoy vast experience in different fields of translation. All of our Urdu translators are native speakers to make sure translators are conveyed with the highest accuracy and quality possible.
Accurate Urdu Language Translation
When translating documents, our expert translators and proofreaders make sure that every document, whether legal, medical or financial, or any type of document is handled with care and precision to conform to the rules and norms of Urdu translation.
Quick turnaround at an affordable price
Our Support team and suite of professional translators understand that time is money, hence, responding to the urgency of your documents. Get a page to 3 pages accurately translated within 24 hours maximum with the highest quality at an unbeatable price of $27/page.
Any more questions?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team at 888-670-3369 from 9.00 am EST to 9.00 pm EST, and they will be ready to address any of your queries. Our Support Team can also be reached at support@languageoasis.com
Language Oasis is an online translation company that offers certified and non-certified translations in different fields and for different walks of life (medical, legal, scientific, technical, academic, advertising, financial, banking, contracts, certificates and many more). For any of your inquiries, you can call us at our toll-free number 1-888-670-3369, and we will make sure your concerns are properly addressed. You can also email us at support@languageoasis.com to get quick free quotes with no obligations. We are headquartered in South Florida; however, we serve all 50 states including all major cities like New York, Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, New Orleans, Cleveland, Kansas City, Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco among many others for the same competitive rates.