
At Language Oasis, we offer translation services of manuals, guides and handbooks. Thanks to our professional teams of translators in more than 65 languages offered at Language Oasis, the translation of manuals is marked by high quality accuracy and professionalism.
The translation of manuals and handbooks is very important, especially if you have products sold abroad or if you are a company with your business expanding beyond your country’s borders.
We have translated thousands of Manuals of every type, including human resources (HR), manufacturing, safety, procedural, final end-user, highly technical, medical, household appliances, etc.
Whether you have a technical manual, engineering specifications or installation guides to be translated, Language Oasis is you destination for top-notch and reliable manual translations.
Manual translations are an essential element for any product manufacturing company. In today’s global economy, almost every product is either sold internationally or reaches users who speak a different language. Whether you sell only in the U.S. or abroad, having quality manual translations is a necessity.
The translation of manuals and guides include, among other, construction manuals, product operation manuals, employee manuals, electronic manuals, health manuals, policy manuals, safety manuals, technical manuals, product guides, maintenance guides, patent guides, and so on.
As for handbook translations, they are very useful in today’s business environment on various levels. With respect to internal communications, having operating and HR handbooks can increase productivity and unify corporate culture among employees, whether locally or globally. As many companies are made up of people from different countries and cultures, having quality handbook translations is necessary for communicating your message correctly. Our translation of handbooks includes codes of conduct, employee handbooks, codes of conduct, and more.
All of our translations come with our distinguished quality guarantee and unparalleled customer support.
For a low price of $0.10 per word, you can get your manual, handbook or guide expertly translated, and you will enjoy the peace of mind that your translated material will convey the message correctly to your foreign audience. For large volume and lump-sum costs, please contact our Support Team by email at or by phone at 1-888-670-3369 for more inquiries. Our Support Team will provide you with unmatched quotes in return for distinguished quality translations.