Toi Khong Hieu Viet (I Don’t Understand Vietnamese)
Having troubles in understanding Vietnamese? Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. Vietnamese is hard & you will hear it quite frequently from locals. But you can learn basics quickly, and for the rest, you can go for professional language translation services. Here are top reasons that will make you believe that Vietnamese is easier than you think:
Language Has No Genders
If you have tried hands at French, Spanish, or any other European language except English, you can be relived a lot. The language has no concept of “masculine” or “feminine” words. All you have to do is to just learn the word as it is. There is no need to learn both the forms.
Does Away With “a” & “the”
Ask anyone who has been trying to learn English where to use “a” and where to use “the”? He’ll certainly have a hard-time in explaining the distinction. Isn’t it easier if you can just do away with them altogether? “Nguoi” in Vietnamese can mean both “a person” and “the person.” You may never have to worry about the difference.
No Plurals
In English, when you have to make something plural all you have to do is to just add an “s” at the end of the word. So “horse” will become “horses,” “table” become “tables,” “cat” become “cats.” But there are exceptions as well. But things are different in Vietnamese in which everything works on a similar rule. So you can use “Nguoi” for both “people” and “person”; “Cho” for “dog” or “dogs”; “Ban” for “table” or “tables.” If you want to be more specific, you just have to add an extra word in front of the noun. So “Mot Nguoi” mean (one person), “Nhung Nguoi” means (some people).
No Verb Endings
In Spanish, even if you want to say simple words, you have to learn five or six different verb endings as well. Technically Spanish verbs inflect, meaning the same word may take different forms depending on the context. But in Vietnamese, no word ever changes its form in any context. It is a completely non-inflective language. So just learn the word “Noi” meaning “speak” and you can use it as “I noi,” “You Noi” and so on.
Tam Biet
Many other things make Vietnamese easy to learn. And if you need any help in business communication professional language translation services form Language Oasis is just a call away @ 888-670-3369.