Pack These Words Along While Traveling To Germany!

Germany is a developed nation attracting business travelers from across the globe. If you are one amongst them, legal document translation services form Language Oasis might be of great help to you. These are some words that you may use:

Ausgezeichnet (Excellent)

It means excellent, and it is likely to be found in a document to express the quality or certificate of appreciation. There is an equivalent of this word hervorragend (outstanding), and you may term the word as exzellent (excellent)

Genial (Genius)

It is a word which shows that you like someone or something to death. You think that the person or anything to be a genius. So if you want to say, someone that their idea is great, you say “Ich finde, dass Idee genial ist!” And how do you say that guy is awesome you say “Der Typ ist genial!

Großartig (Great)

It simply means great. It also means “big-like.” So if you hear someone saying “Du bist einfach großartig,” it doesn’t mean that you are large, but rather it means that you are simply great!


Once you are in Germany, you will hear this word multiple times. So the phrases like “Wie geht’s dir? Super! Und dir?” (How are you? Super! And You?) Deutsch ist super-lwicht. (German is super easy.)

Stark (Strong)

It means “strong.” When you say “Gemeinsam sind wir stark”, it means “Together we are strong!” However, sometimes Germans like to say “Eine starke Sache!” (Great Stuff!) or “Echt stark!” (Really Great!)

Wunderbar (Wonderful)

“Das Wunder” is a marvel or miracle. Thus “Wunderbar” means marvelous or wonderful. You can use these words pretty much anywhere if you feel something is wonderful. “-bar” is a very common ending for the adjectives in German, such as dankbar (grateful), machbar (doable) or kostbar (valuable).

Alles Klar! (All right!)

Hast du das verstanden? (Did you understand this?) Or Jap! Alles Klar! (Yap! Everything’s clear) You can also use the saying as a question, to make sure that your conversation partner understands you.

Sehr Gut (Very Good)

It means “very good.” We don’t only use it as a response to the question Wie geht’s dir? (How are you?) Schmeckt dir das Essen? (Do you like the food?)

In Kontakt Treten (Get In Touch)

Just call us @ 888-670-3369 to get professional legal document translation services in Germany & many other languages!

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