7 Most Beautiful Words in English

Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all human’s actions. – Sigmund Freud

The vocabulary of English contains approximately 1 million words! So, it is not easy to pick out the most beautiful words. Still, some words stand out either due to their charming pronunciation, interesting meaning or (sometimes) quirky nature.

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Let us learn a few of them.


Bumblebee is a large, hairy, social bee which flies from here to there with a loud hum and lives in colonies. The word is onomatopoeic and explains the meaning exactly what it can be used to describe a furry blundering bee wandering clumsily over flowers.


Mellifluous is used to refer to a pleasingly smooth and musical to hear. The word has been derived from Latin mellifluous (mel – ‘honey’ + fluere ‘to flow’). Isn’t the word is mellifluous itself!


A low-voiced song to lull a child to sleep or the music (humming) for such a song is called lullaby. The verb is also used to describe the process of soothing the child with a lullaby. The word in itself is so calming, soothing and sleep inducing.


Somnambulism is a condition where a person walks while asleep or in a hypnotic trance. The person who does so is called somnambulist. The word sounds pretty sleep inducing and precisely conveys its meaning.


Bombinate literary means – to make a humming or buzzing noise/sound. How many times have you bombinated?


Epiphany refers to a sudden and great realization to the reality or essential meaning of something, especially initiated through a simple, homely or commonplace occurrence. The word can make to search for its meaning to anybody who is unaware of it. The word sounds musical, and its meaning is grave.


The literal meaning of aurora is ‘dawn,’ however, it also used to refer to a natural electrical phenomenon that is characterized by the appearance of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near southern and northern poles. The word sounds magical.

Conclusion – We have many more such words in our kitty as we are a dedicated language translation agency. Our expert translators work diligently on every document to make sure that it is translated to 100% accuracy. Be it certified translation or documents translations services, you can rely on our efficiency of translation. For any query, please contact us at – 888-670-3369.

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