Money Matters: 4 Popular Spanish Proverbs about Money

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” –  –Benjamin Franklin

They say that money has no language; however, numerous popular quotes are present on money matters in almost every language. Regardless of whether you are interested in knowing what other cultures have to say about something that has become a significant part of lives of many people, or need a different perspective on money, Spanish proverbs present in this article provide a great combination of sage advice and witty expressions.

There is absolutely no substitute to knowing them and if you can use them in day-to-day life, even better. Mentioned below is the list of popular Spanish proverbs about money, along with English translation and explanations.


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Proverb #1: No todo lo que brilla es oro

English Translation: Not everything that shines is gold.

Meaning: If you are an English speaker, you must have heard the popular saying, “All that glitters is not gold.” It means that in life it is important to look for the true value and understand the true worth of something or someone, and one should not be lured in by a shiny façade.

Proverb #2: Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando

English Translation: A bird in the hand is worth more than a hundred flying.

Meaning: Although, this proverb is not about money, it can prove to be a great advice for businessmen and entrepreneurs. It means that one should make the most of what they have, rather than waiting for enough resources or the right time.

Proverb #3: Acabándose el dinero, se termina la Amistad

English Translation: With the money ending, the friendship ends.

Meaning: This is a great lesson to learn in life. It is rightly said that we just need to know which hand to shake and which hand to hold. Be sure that your friends like you for the person you are, not because of your wealth and power.

Proverb #4: Honra y dinero se ganan despacio y se pierden ligero

English Translation: Honor and money are earned slowly and lost quickly.

Meaning: It simply says that one should reach for the stars but keep their feet on earth. Always be in control of your finances and behavior. Save money and preserve your reputation.

Make these proverbs a significant part of your life and attain desired success because knowledge in any language should be welcomed.

Which is your favorite Spanish proverb? Share with us in the comments’ section.

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