5 Amazing Facts About Chinese Language You Must Know

It is no secret that Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. With 1.4 billion speakers, it is the most spoken language globally. Out of which 70% are Mandarin speakers accounting 14% of the world’s total population!

documents translation

Here are some amazing facts about this language which will make you believe that it is indeed one of the richest languages on earth.

Hardest language to learn

Multiple factors jointly make Chinese one of the toughest languages to learn, especially for native English speakers. Chinese has a unique writing system, grammar, sound, and pronunciation style and there are rare things common in English and Chinese. One must learn around 3,000 characters in order to master the language which is obviously a daunting task.

Calligraphy style

If you are even slightly acquainted with Chinese, you must be aware of the Chinese calligraphy. There are five traditional styles of Chinese calligraphy – Official script, Seal character, Running script, Formal script, and Cursive hand.

Similar sounding words

Chinese is full of similar sounding words which make it difficult for a non-native speaker to differentiate between sound combinations and words. Adding in the tones make this language all the more difficult to listen to and understand.

Pictographic language

The Chinese language was evolved using images; it means the language exists in the simplest form and resembles a game of Pictionary. Not all of the Chinese characters, used today come from ancient drawings of the things they implied to describe. Still, they are very helpful to the newbie learners. For example, pictographs for woods in Chinese is 木 (mù) which becomes 森 (sēn) for forest.

Chinese handwriting is difficult to interpret

Chinese people struggle with handwritings in almost every situation. It is due to a large variation in writing styles and the discrepancies that occur between the written characters and typed text. Even a neat structured when typed become unrecognizable when scribbled at speed by native speakers of Chinese. What printed in books is clear fonted text. However, the transition from handwritten Chinese to reading makes it extremely difficult for language learners.

Conclusion – Now you must have understood how difficult is it to learn and translate the Chinese language. It is where you need the help of Professional Chinese Translation. As we are a full-time translation agency, our translators can translate any document in Chinese to another language and vice versa. Do you need help in translating a document? Contact us at: 888-670-3369.

The Evolution of Portuguese Literature: A Quick Overview

The advent of Portuguese poetry dates back to early 12th century. Lyric poetry is a treasure of Portugal literature which was produced by some of the notable Portuguese poets, like Sa de Miranda who introduced sonnet in Portuguese poetry.

Unfortunately, Portuguese literature was unstudied and unknown outside of Portugal until the 19th century. It was after 19th-century remarkable Portuguese works were translated with the help of Portuguese translation services. Yet from its establishment, it came into contact with many linguistic and national influences. However, Portugal has a distinct individuality, and it is expressed in its national temperament as well as language & literature.

Let us get to know about the different phase of Portuguese poetry.

Early works

Early works of Portugal’s literature developed between 12th to 14th centuries, and the earliest evolution was in lyric poetry. The poems were collected in song books, and some of the earliest works were – Cancioneiro da Ajuda, da Vaticana, and Colocci-Brancuti.

Prose writing took some more time to develop, and the first writings were romances of chivalry.

The Renaissance

The Renaissance in Portugal made a remarkable impact in poetry and drama. Gil Vicente was country’s  greatest dramatist who portrayed satirical pictures of Portuguese society in his 44 plays. Later in the 16th century, Portuguese poetry was gets influenced by the Italianate school. With the return of Francisco de Sa de Miranda from Italy, new poetic styles evolved. Diogo Bernardes, Miranda, and many other poets mastered the new forms of lyric poetry which achieved its peak point in the works of Luis de Camoes. The Renaissance also observed an increase in historic writing which chronicles the discoveries and conquests in Africa, Asia, and America.

Literary movements in 18th and 19th century

A progressive growth was seen in the 18th century with Romantic Movement liberal ideas from abroad. The maximum growth was focused in the 19th century with Júlio Dinis, José Maria Eça de Queirós, and Camilo Castelo Branco, using a social realist and satirical manner to write about class relations, heritage, family, and religion.

A group of poets rebelled against romanticism and focus their works on philosophical and social ideas.

20th century

The 20th century was distinguished for lyric poetry. In this age, realism also influenced the Portuguese literature which was manifested in the short stories of rural life by Manuel Torga.

In the early 1970s, Portuguese literature enriched with the publication of a volume of gathered notes, letters, poems and stories by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Velho da Costa and Maria Teresa Horta.

In a nutshell, Portuguese poetry and literature is rich and produced many notable poets and novelists.

Conclusion – We have many more interesting facts about Portuguese literature as we are a full-time translation agency, well versed in translation of any kind of document. Our translators can perform translation of a document in more than 30+ languages. Need help in translating a document? Contact us at: 888-670-3369.

Toi Khong Hieu Viet (I Don’t Understand Vietnamese)

Toi Khong Hieu Viet (I Don’t Understand Vietnamese)

Having troubles in understanding Vietnamese? Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. Vietnamese is hard & you will hear it quite frequently from locals. But you can learn basics quickly, and for the rest, you can go for professional language translation services. Here are top reasons that will make you believe that Vietnamese is easier than you think:

Language Has No Genders

If you have tried hands at French, Spanish, or any other European language except English, you can be relived a lot. The language has no concept of “masculine” or “feminine” words. All you have to do is to just learn the word as it is. There is no need to learn both the forms.

Does Away With “a” & “the”

Ask anyone who has been trying to learn English where to use “a” and where to use “the”? He’ll certainly have a hard-time in explaining the distinction. Isn’t it easier if you can just do away with them altogether? “Nguoi” in Vietnamese can mean both “a person” and “the person.” You may never have to worry about the difference.

No Plurals

In English, when you have to make something plural all you have to do is to just add an “s” at the end of the word. So “horse” will become “horses,” “table” become “tables,” “cat” become “cats.” But there are exceptions as well. But things are different in Vietnamese in which everything works on a similar rule. So you can use “Nguoi” for both “people” and “person”; “Cho” for “dog” or “dogs”; “Ban” for “table” or “tables.” If you want to be more specific, you just have to add an extra word in front of the noun. So “Mot Nguoi” mean (one person), “Nhung Nguoi” means (some people).

No Verb Endings

In Spanish, even if you want to say simple words, you have to learn five or six different verb endings as well. Technically Spanish verbs inflect, meaning the same word may take different forms depending on the context. But in Vietnamese, no word ever changes its form in any context. It is a completely non-inflective language. So just learn the word “Noi” meaning “speak” and you can use it as “I noi,” “You Noi” and so on.

Tam Biet

Many other things make Vietnamese easy to learn. And if you need any help in business communication professional language translation services form Language Oasis is just a call away @ 888-670-3369.

The Big Achievements in the World of Translation

Translation is not a matter of words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture. – Anthony Burgess

Whether it is a website, book or document, translated works have always functioned to bring different countries, cultures, and inhabitants of the world closer. Professional translation and interpretation services have played a major role here, and they also have some great achievements which are worth mentioning.

The most translated book of the world

Do you know the name of the most translated book in the world? It is none other than the Bible. The entire book has been translated in around 554 languages, more than any other book in the world. More impressive part is parts of the Bible have been translated into 2,932 languages.

It is not a co-incident that International Translation Day is celebrated every year on September 30th, the feast day of St. Jerome, the Bible’s first translator.

The most translated website in the world

There are millions of websites out there, and many of them have been translated into several languages. However, when it comes to the most translated website of the world, the champion is Jehovah’s Witnesses website. It has been translated into a whooping more than 780 languages and dialects! There are even dedication translations who have translated this website in sign language, making it accessible for deaf people.

The most translated  poem

According to The Guinness Book of World Records, a 6-line poem called ‘Be Like a Child’ is the most translated poem. The author of this poem is Sri Chinmoy, an Indian poet. This poem was recited in 203 languages by the members of Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace run at Dag Hammerskjöld Plaza, New York, USA, on 10 April 2014.

The most translated short story

Though it is difficult to track the most translated short story, anyone stories of Andersen’s Fairy Tale, written by Hans Christian will win. The collection has been translated into 153 different languages till date. However, if we do not count fairy tales, the winner will be ‘The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright”, written by Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o.

Conclusion – Undoubtedly, the credit of all these achievements go to diligent translators who performed the tough job of translation so well. It is why, thanking to translators, Italo Calvino, an Italian journalist, and writer, once said, “Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my own country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduced me to the world.”

What to look for in a Legal Translator?

Legal translation and interpretation characterizes all that is in the domain of law and should be deciphered. This could extend from an agreement to immigration or divorce papers, and everything else that’s there in the middle. Various legal systems can be in a similar dialect, so envision how much a person needs to think about every one so as to legitimately interpret and translate a legal text from one dialect/legal system to another. Hence the translator’s inputs become extremely crucial in any legal process.

Here are the things you should keep in mind when choosing a legal document translation service:

Russian Language

Get a highly knowledgeable expert

Hiring an interpreter who is fluent in the language of your legal document and the language your document will be converted into is insufficient. It is essential that you hire someone with legal expertise to correctly translate your document. They should know the legal terminology and jargons for both the languages and frame sentences that reflect the right sense and intention of the original sentence.

Experience in legal translation services

Interpreting any document requires various abilities, not only fluency in the other language. Legal translators likewise must have the aptitude to decipher meaning and re-compose the content because not all word-for-word translations bode well. Moreover, these legal documents must conform to their own societies and legal systems.

Source File Issues

Source files can sometimes be a major problem in translation. If the source file that you are looking for is hard copy or scanned PDFs, it can be quite a challenge to translate those using technologies like Translation Memories. One way out is scanning the document using OCR technology, so that the source content remains electronic and can be translated using the technological translation tools.

Jurors find a legal translation service more credible

Computers are getting more sophisticated by the day, but they still have a long way to go when it comes to accurately translating documents. However, if your court case involves a jury, a legal document that has been professionally translated could make or break your case. This is majorly because a document that is deemed expert or credible always holds more weight in the juries mind.

Good Syntax and work selection

Missing out on a full stop or comma can change the whole meaning of a sentence. Ramification of such mistakes in a legal document may actually turn out to be a major problem for you. Hence, when translating from one language into another, the potential for mistakes like this increases; different punctuation rules for different languages. So for legal documents, it is vital that those responsible for the translation comprehend punctuation in both languages, and think about its impact on the meaning of the sentence.

Confidentiality, deadlines, reviews for specific locale, writing style and document type are a few other things one must keep in mind while hiring a legal translation service. When you need to translate legal material, don’t just send it to a regular user material translator. Make sure you hire a legal translation service with professional expertise that not only recognizes the challenges of working with legal content but also fits your requirements.

Language Oasis has revolutionized the concept of online legal document translation services. Our translators are hired after intense screening and evaluation tests and this can be visible in our services. You can put forward any document translated, by Language Oasis to USCIS, courts, law firms, law enforcement agencies, employers, universities, medical institutions and other important corporations.  Just call us @ 888-670-3369 to get professional legal document translation services in various languages of the world!

Pack These Words Along While Traveling To Germany!

Germany is a developed nation attracting business travelers from across the globe. If you are one amongst them, legal document translation services form Language Oasis might be of great help to you. These are some words that you may use:

Ausgezeichnet (Excellent)

It means excellent, and it is likely to be found in a document to express the quality or certificate of appreciation. There is an equivalent of this word hervorragend (outstanding), and you may term the word as exzellent (excellent)

Genial (Genius)

It is a word which shows that you like someone or something to death. You think that the person or anything to be a genius. So if you want to say, someone that their idea is great, you say “Ich finde, dass Idee genial ist!” And how do you say that guy is awesome you say “Der Typ ist genial!

Großartig (Great)

It simply means great. It also means “big-like.” So if you hear someone saying “Du bist einfach großartig,” it doesn’t mean that you are large, but rather it means that you are simply great!


Once you are in Germany, you will hear this word multiple times. So the phrases like “Wie geht’s dir? Super! Und dir?” (How are you? Super! And You?) Deutsch ist super-lwicht. (German is super easy.)

Stark (Strong)

It means “strong.” When you say “Gemeinsam sind wir stark”, it means “Together we are strong!” However, sometimes Germans like to say “Eine starke Sache!” (Great Stuff!) or “Echt stark!” (Really Great!)

Wunderbar (Wonderful)

“Das Wunder” is a marvel or miracle. Thus “Wunderbar” means marvelous or wonderful. You can use these words pretty much anywhere if you feel something is wonderful. “-bar” is a very common ending for the adjectives in German, such as dankbar (grateful), machbar (doable) or kostbar (valuable).

Alles Klar! (All right!)

Hast du das verstanden? (Did you understand this?) Or Jap! Alles Klar! (Yap! Everything’s clear) You can also use the saying as a question, to make sure that your conversation partner understands you.

Sehr Gut (Very Good)

It means “very good.” We don’t only use it as a response to the question Wie geht’s dir? (How are you?) Schmeckt dir das Essen? (Do you like the food?)

In Kontakt Treten (Get In Touch)

Just call us @ 888-670-3369 to get professional legal document translation services in Germany & many other languages!

7 Pleasantry Words For Travelers To Korea

Korean companies are making their mark across the world, and that’s why Korea is attracting business travelers from across the globe. With Language Oasis notary translation services, you will hardly face a challenge in translating legal documents. So pack the bags, and these words might be just the right start:


1) An-nyeong-ha-se-yo (Hello)

It is one of the most common phrases that you will come across in Korea. There are many variations of the word that are used in different situations. To avoid complexity say it fast. In all probability, you will be understood and will also sound like more local.

2) Ban-gap-sum-ni-da (Nice To Meet You)

It is the most pleasant of the pleasantries, and you can use it whenever you are introduced to a curious crowd. Best said over a two-handed handshake and if you master this one you are most likely to match the level of schoolkids who say “Nice To Meet You,” whenever they see you.

3) Kam-sa-ham-ni-da (Thank You)

As obvious, the word is a bare minimum for making any attempt at Korean. So how are you going to use it? If you don’t understand what they are saying, it may be a compliment. Just smile & say thank you!

4) Jam-shi-man-yo (Excuse Me)

You can use this word to gain the attention of the people, ask them to move out of the way, or tell them to wait. You can also use the word to mean “Just-a-moment.” Imagine you are traveling on a train and want to get off it. All you have to say is this word, and people will make way for you for sure.

5) Mi-an-ham-ni-da (I’m Sorry)

These are two ways to say sorry in Korean. The first is “sorry I bumped into you” sorry. Use this if you arrive late somewhere and you want to say sorry.

6) Ju-se-yo (Please give)

It is a word that is used to make a polite request. Wondering where you are going to use these words? Well, you are mostly going to use it in the shops so if you are in a bakery and like a doughnut just point towards it and say “Ju-se-yo.”

7) I-geot (With a silent t)

The word is used in combination with pointing to indicate something close by. The typical situation for using the same is while shopping.

Han-guk-mal jal mot-hae-yo (I can’t speak Korean well)

No worries, Language Oasis is going to take care of any documents even if they are legal. Call us now @888-670-3369 to avail notary translation services.

9 # Portuguese Words To Start With!

Portuguese is an ancient language and comes with a rich history. Although the language started in Portugal only a very small fraction of Portuguese speakers live in the country in which it started. It was officially declared a language in 1290 and is the official language of Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, etc. So if you are traveling to these places, then knowing basics of Portuguese may be helpful. For the more official purpose, you can rely on the Portuguese language translation services. Now let’s see some Portuguese words:

1 # Saudade

It is one of the most beautiful words across many languages. The word symbolizes a mixture of few emotions like longing, melancholy, incompleteness & love. The word has a lot of weight and applies to a person, place or another time.

2 # Apaixonar

It signifies the action of falling in love and the feeling of falling in love.

3 # Gostosa

When you look for the literal translation, it means delicious. But gostosa can mean ‘super attractive.’ If you call a woman gostosa, you mean to say that she is very attractive.

4 # Cafune

It is the act of running your fingers through someone’s hair. And yes, there is a word for that. But the word may only resonate with Brazilian Portuguese speakers. If someone says in Portuguese, “Eu Queria Que Você Me Finesse Um Cafuné” it is equal to saying “I wanted you to run your fingers through my hair.”

5 # Lindeza

It means prettiness and is used as a noun to describe someone or something and even at times as a term of endearment. As simple usage may be Que lindeza! Roughly meaning ‘What Prettiness.’

6 # Combinado

The word combinado translates to “combined” but it is a confirmation that things have been arranged. It’s the term that is commonly used for making a plan. After someone states a plan of action, simply saying “combinado” can mean “ok.”

7 # Fado

In the culture of Portuguese, fado is the name for a traditional form of music. It also means fate and destiny, something that is supposed to happen no matter what actions take place.

8 # Fofo

If you call something as fofo, it is cute or soft. A puppy or a child can both be fofo.

9 # Tchau Tachau

These are only some of the words but for more formal purposes you may need expert help in Portuguese translation services, and for that, you can get it touch with us @ 888-670-3369.

8 Fascinating Facts about Language You Might Not Know

Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and liberation. – Angela Carter.

Language is a complex part of our lives which continually transforms through ages. Languages are part and parcel of our everyday life and primary keys of communication. There are lots of interesting facts about language you might not know, let us get to know a few of them.

documents translation

  • There are around 2,700 languages with more than 7,000 dialects spoken in the world. The most widely spoken languages in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English, and Hindi.
  • There are 50,000+ characters in Chinese, the most spoken language in the world. You should be able to read at least 2,000 of these to read a newspaper.
  • Every two weeks, a dialect or a language reaches on the verge of dying. There are over 231 languages that are extinct, and around 2,400 of world’s languages are approaching to become extinct.
  • Do you know the name of the most translated book in the world? It is Bible which has been translated into 2,454 different languages. The Little Prince, originally written in French comes second with translations in 253 languages. Interestingly, the most translated author in the world is Agatha Christie.
  • The language with the largest alphabet belongs to Cambodian language Khmer which is 74 characters long. However, the language with the largest number of words is perhaps Arabic with varied perceptions on the number of words.
  • There are 300 languages spoken in the United States. The country credited with the highest number of official language is South Africa. In the United States, 56% of Spanish speakers can speak English very well.
  • Though the origin of language is one of the most debated topics, most linguists agree that it started when modern humans evolved in Africa, around 100,00 BC.
  • The oldest known languages of the world are Sanskrit, Sumerian, Hebrew, and Basque. We know this fact because of the written records of these languages. Therefore, there is no specific answer for the oldest speech because we would never get to know about the oral traditions.

Conclusion – Being a well-versed language translation agency, we are aware of many such interesting facts about language. Be it legal document translation services or certified language translation, our expert translators are efficient in performing impeccable translation of any docment in more than 30+ languages. Need any assistance in translation. Call us at – 888-670-3369.

Top 10 Funniest Translation Memes Ever

Popular to the contrary belief, translation is more than just knowledge of two languages. Like every other profession, translation is a job full of hurdles and challenges. No matter how renowned translation and interpretation services are, experts face a lot of difficulties in dealing with two or more languages, and there is no room for errors.

Here we have collected some funny memes with the help of Google, which perfectly depicts the life of a translator. Dedicated to all translators who know how tough their job is.

More money, more accuracy!

How can you even think so??!!

The actual fuel that keeps translators working.

The life of an interpreter is not so easy man!

When you choose a horrible translation service.

When you trust google translation

What a translator feels for google translator

How useful google translator is!

Dating a translator??

A translator can explain that very well!

Now you must have got that the life of a translator is not as easy as others think. What do you say? Share your thoughts with us. And oh, yes, if you are not looking for a cheap alternative, contact us for highly precise and professional translation service. Calls us @888-670-3369.